Thursday, October 30, 2014

Hip Pain Update

It was almost a month of weekly therapy, Sharon has done and the doctor suggest to continue it for the sake of her leg.  The doctor also suggest of getting lumbosacral support for her back.  Dr. Peter also suggested her to get support for her ankle for fast treatment of her right leg.  Lesson learn posture is very important to prevent this kind of health problem.  Poor posture is the reason of this nerve problem and hip pain the resulted in leg and spinal injury.   Educating everyone in your family about proper posture is very important, especially sitting in front of the computer or carrying heavy boxes of things can result to back injury.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Walking Dead

The Walking Dead crazed is becoming more famous every season.  Reaching its season 5 its fans truly increases.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Bright House

One of the things that make a home more beautiful is its lightest design.  Light has been a big factor that makes the place more attractive than usual.  LED lighting has played a big part in interior design of any house.  Not just it's cheap, but also consume small amount of electricity than usual light.  Before light consumes a big amount of electricity because it is not LED lights.   Because of this the use of LED is unlimited making the house look good at night.  The light makes the house more beautiful, not just from outside, but also on the inside.  Kitchen has gotten the benefits of light design, making the place more classy and beautiful.  These are some of the benefits we get from using LED lighting today.  

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Comfortable Home

It is everyone dreams having a beautiful and comfortable house to live in.  We have been dreaming of having our own beautiful kitchen with complete appliances and accessories.  Kitchen countertops, gas range, beautiful exhaust device, huge kitchen sink and nice kitchen counter tops.  Floor tiles were needed to be considered too.  In living room carpet must be present as we all know it is the number one thing that make the living room more comfortable to stay or hang out.   Beautiful sets of cushion can make life more comfortable.  Entertainment should always present at the living room because it's where family stay together to watch some movie.   In the bedroom I love to have  carpet in my bedroom.   Well, this is some of my ideal idea I want to have in my dream home.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Back pain at work

I have been experiencing back pain recently and been wondering why it suddenly occur two days ago.  There are many reasons why back pain occurs.  Poor posture could be one reason for sudden back pain, as we all know it cause muscle strain and nerve pain.  Kidney problem could also be considered when having a back pain.  Dehydration can trigger the kidney problem which will result to back pain symptoms.   Back exercise could really be helpful in preventing back pain to come out.  I have tried it and I surely recommend it to all readers out there.  This kind of back exercise has been very effective to reduce the pain.