Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Garden for New Year

Good bye to year 2010 and welcome to the New Year of 2011. The New Year has finally come and everyone is happy to face the New Year with good vibes. Many are trying to make this year more fruitful and progressive.

One of our neighbors really loves taking care of his garden. Last year, he retired from his work and since then; he spends most of his time at home. Mr. Cruz used to have a busy lifestyle. He used to have a life with many things done in a day but since he retired from his job, he thinks that he must continue being active and fruitful. He should have done something in a way to make himself more useful at home.

Mr. Cruz likes taking care of plants and flowers before but since most of his time at home, he spend most of it for making new garden and landscape for his different varieties of plants, flowers and orchids. I could never imagine living in a house full of flowers and plants that gives beauty and colors into your eyes. Beautiful flowers and plants really give beauty in a simple house especially when placing it in nice outdoor planters.

Mr. Cruz never let inside his house empty with his plants and flowers. He thought of bringing some of his best is like bringing good vibes inside his house as well. My parents and other homeowners nearby gave him different sets of indoor planter and outdoor planter as their Christmas present to Mr. Cruz. Last year, the homeowners association awarded Mr. Cruz for having the most attractive house in our neighborhood.

Mr. Cruz is one of a kind person. Never think of himself useless, instead he makes himself busy and useful to become more fruitful for this new year. A person could be fruitful in some ways when choosing life to become one.